April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day

CVS wanted to highlight that April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. This is a day to celebrate and recognize the diversity in our world. At CVS, every day is a day where we try to raise awareness about the diverse abilities of the individuals we serve. However, it is important for days such as World Autism Awareness Day to exist to bring greater awareness to the wider community.

We stumbled on this article that focuses on one of our core initiatives at CVS – inclusive Employment in our communities. Right now, Canada and most of the world faces challenges in employment. This article provides a lot of insight and statistics into how hiring individuals with diverse abilities can offer so many benefits. At CVS, we have always known this as we work to assist the individuals we serve with finding employment opportunities in our community. However, we wanted to share the article to our wider community so you can learn more. To read the article, please click here.

If you are interested in hiring an individual in our Employment program, please contact Diana MacPhee at diana.macphee@communityventures.ca.

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