Welcome to Ramneek Kaur

We want to take this opportunity to welcome Ramneek Kaur to the CVS team. Ramneek will be joining our Finance team as Payroll & Accounting Administrator and will be taking over the responsibilities for union payroll.

Originally from India, Ramneek completed her Post-Baccalaureate Diploma (PBD) in Accounting at Douglas College, She also holds a Masters in Commerce from India. Ramneek is proficient in payroll with practical experience in the field. In her spare time, Ramneek is passionate about cooking and experimenting with new recipes. She is also an enthusiastic hiker and adventure seeker, enjoying outdoor activities and exploration. Ramneek loves meeting new people, learning new experiences and sharing insights.

We are excited to welcome Ramneek and look forward to working with her in the coming weeks and months.

Ramneek can be reached at [email protected] or at extension 2017.