Woodlands Survivors Start Receiving Compensation from the Province

This week it was announced that survivors of Woodlands who lived at the institution before 1974 have begun receiving compensation payments from the Province. This comes following the Province\’s announcement in March.

Residents who lived at Woodlands before 1974 (who were previously excluded from the settlement) will now receive $10,000. As well, all residents who lived at Woodlands (at any time) will receive a minimum payment of $10,000. The money is expected to be paid out by March 31, 2019.

For more information: news release from the Province of BC.

Inclusion BC responded to the announcement early this year: 

\”This is what real leadership is. Setting things right by providing common experience payment to ALL Woodlands survivors. In doing so righting the wrongs by the previous BC government that refused to recognize the harm done to former residents prior to 1974 and that also required proof of harm. Now we can say some justice has been served and we must never forget why institutions were and will always be places of abuse and a denial of human rights\” (then Executive Director Faith Bodnar).

At CVS we fully support this action by the Province and are pleased to hear that payment to all victims of this abuse is occurring at this time. This is a big step that is long overdue for the victims and their families.

Former residents or their guardians and caregivers who have not already been contacted can call toll free:
1 888 523-7192  
Or email: woodlands.care.facility.residents@gov.bc.ca